Recording Zoom Meetings


  1. To record a Zoom meeting, click on the “Record” icon within your meeting menu.
  2. Two options for recording are available:
    • Record on this Computer
      • This option will save a video file directly to your computer.
    • Record to the cloud
      • When you record your meetings to the cloud, you are able to access your meeting records through your Zoom account. You may sign in to your Zoom account at with your Office 365 credentials, or by clicking on the Zoom link within your Office 365 all applications list.
      • If you click on the “Recordings” option, your cloud recordings will be available here.
      • If you schedule your meeting through Canvas, your cloud recordings will appear within the “Zoom” section on Canvas and can be made available to your students to watch.
      • Please note that each user has 500MB available for cloud video recordings.
  3. Once you are recording a meeting, an icon will appear within your meeting to indicate that recording is in process. You may start and stop recording throughout the meeting if needed. This will create separate video recordings for each section of recorded material.