GitHub Classroom Canvas LTI


Github classrooms can help sync users from Canvas class lists with github assignment repos in out GitHub Organization.There are a few steps to getting it running

1.​​​​ sign in to github classrooms 

2. You may need to verify your academic status to sign in but you should do this anyways so you get GitHub pro for free.

3.Make sure you are joined to a Github Organization the is part of the Columbia College Organiztion

IAMColumbia  :

AAA Department Columbia College Chicago :


Columbia College Chicago School of Media Arts Development :


Columbia College IT :

If you not joined to the organization please email  your github username and I’ll add you to the organization 

4. create a new classroom


5. link it to the GitHub Organization you have been added to 
Select organiztion

6. Link the classroom to Canvas


7. Add the Consumer Key and Shared Secret