Touring the Folder Structure


Columbia College Chicago Panopto Portal

1. My Folder – This contains all personal folders that belong in My Folder.

2. Shared with Me – Videos shared directly with you are found here.

3. Everything – This tab includes every video that a user has permission to access on their Panopto site.

4. Browse – Clicking browse will allow you to search for folders that you have access to. From here, you may find your Panopto folders for your Canvas courses, as well as migrated Zoom recordings.

Panopto Within Canvas

1. Opening Panopto within a Canvas course brings you directly to your course’s Panopto Folder. 

2. Students in your course have access to all videos that are posted in the main course folder. 

3. Recorded Zoom meetings scheduled directly within the course’s Zoom tool will automatically migrate to your course’s folder.

4. Access the assignment folder to view student submissions.

a. You must first set up an assignment folder. See additional instructions for this step.

b. Students only have access to their own submissions in the assignment folder.