Using the Notes Feature


“Notes” feature provides an easy way of typing out notes on the video. The notes will appear timestamped right along with the part of the video that corresponds with where you entered the note. You will see the Notes section when viewing a video within Panopto in the menu to the left.

1. Notes – To enter notes, click in the box and begin typing. The note will be submitted when you hit “Enter” or “Return” on your keyboard. Upon hitting the keyboard button, the time stamp will appear next to your note. By clicking the time stamp, you can edit or delete the note.

2. Download - The down arrow button allows you to download the notes as a text document.

3. Make Public - You can make the note Public or Private. By default, they are private and only visible to you.

4. Help – This button will lead you to the Panopto help site.




Article ID: 132317
Mon 5/24/21 7:40 PM
Thu 2/13/25 5:55 PM