Browzwear for Education VStictcher


See Attached Article for access to Browzware Software for students


Welcome to Browzwear for Education, Student!

We are thrilled to have you on board! To get started, please take a few moments to review and complete the following steps:

Step 1 Cloud License Activation

You’ll receive a separate email to activate your VStitcher cloud license on If you do not receive the activation email, please reach out to your organization’s license moderator. Once logged in to the license account, please proceed to step 2.

*Please note the activation link expires 30 days from the date created by the moderator. This is typically your instructor or someone in IT at your school.

Step 2 VStitcher Installation

In some cases, the software is already installed onto your machine by your organization’s moderator. If this is the case for you, please proceed to step 3. Otherwise, please follow the below steps.

*Please make sure to check out our most updated system requirements to confirm that your computer is compatible with the software build you plan to install.

1. Check with your license moderator for the correct installation file. Once provided to you, please download, and complete the installation.

2. Launch the software. The first time the software is launched you may be asked to log in with your license credentials (if you are not already logged in via the website from step 1 Cloud License Activation).


Step 3 Browzwear University

This is our web-based learning platform and can be used as a learning tool or resource in your course. You can access the free courses at Browzwear University.

Step 4 Browzwear Help Resources

Access our online manual at


*Please note our support desk is open for school faculty only. All student questions will be redirected to the school’s license moderator or course instructor.




Article ID: 159953
Fri 1/26/24 2:16 PM
Fri 2/14/25 4:46 PM

