SCCM Client Manual Client Check in to find new software


Manually run Machine Policy Retrieval & Evaluation Cycle to find new software in Software Center


SCCM client needs to be active on our local network or on the VPN to find new software. It should find new software by itself just from being connected to our network but sometimes it may take a while as short as 20 mins or possibly up to 24 hours.

To find new software right away you can ask SCCM Client to update manually by using the Configuration Manager Properties control panel to start the Machine Policy Retrieval & Evaluation Cycles Action. This only work if you are connected via VPN or on our campus network or wifi.

1 Open Control Panel

start menu type control panel

2 search control panel for Configuration Manager (typing config should be enoug to find it)

4 Select Actions Tab and Machine Policy Retrieval & Evaluation Cycles

5 Wait a few minutes and Software Center should update update you you should see the New Software Available Notification



If you want to be super fancy use windows -> r to open the run dialog then type 'control smscfgrc' .this will directly open the Configuration Manager Window



Article ID: 155302
Thu 4/27/23 11:55 AM
Fri 2/14/25 4:19 PM