1. Click on “Zoom” in your course navigation menu.

2. Authorize the Zoom tool the first time you access it.

3. Click “Schedule a new Meeting” to schedule a new Zoom conference call.

4. Set your Zoom meeting preferences.
- Topic – Enter the topic/titled of your meeting.
- Description – Add a description to your meeting. This is optional.
- When – Select the date and time when your Zoom meeting will take place.
- Duration – Enter the duration of the meeting. This is only for scheduling purposes and will not end the meeting after the set duration of the meeting passes.
Registration –Requiring registration for a meeting will make attendees of the webinar complete a registration form. This form collects the names and addresses of meeting attendees.

5. Click “Save” when you have chosen all of your meeting settings.
- Video – Determine if video is available upon entry to the meeting for the host and participants.
- Audio – Determine what devices meeting attendees must use for audio in the meeting. It is recommended to allow attendees to join audio through a telephone call and computer audio.
- Require Meeting Password – Require participants to enter a password to join your meeting.
- Enable Join Before Host – Allow participants to join the meeting before the host.
- Mute Participants Upon Entry – This option will mute participants upon entry to your meeting. As a host, you can unmute them as you see fit throughout the meeting.
- Use Person al Meeting ID – This will allow attendees to join your meeting using your personal meeting ID number, rather than by using a join link.
- Enable Waiting Room – If you enable the waiting room feature, participants will not be able to join your meeting until they are admitted to the meeting by the meeting host.
- Record the Meeting Automatically – This option will record the meeting automatically from its start, to its completion.
- Alternative Hosts – You may add alternative hosts who will be able to control the meeting simultaneously with you, or in your place.

6. Your meeting has now been created. It will be visible within the “Zoom” section of your Canvas page.
7. Click “Start” next to your meeting when it is time to begin your scheduled Zoom meeting.