Within Zoom meetings, hosts and participants can share their screens to show PowerPoint presentations, documents, software applications, and website pages to everyone on the Zoom
call. This is useful for delivering lecture content, as well as for student presentations.
- To get started, open the file, software application, or webpage that you would like to share with the Zoom meeting attendees.
- Click on the “Share” option in your Zoom meeting.

- Choose which portion of your screen that you would like to share with the meeting attendees. Your desktop and any applications that you have open will appear as options for what you can share. Sharing your desktop will allow attendees to see anything that you have open on your computer at a given moment. Choosing a specific application such as PowerPoint or a web browser will only allow participants to see that particular application. Click “Share” once complete.

- Your fellow meeting attendees will be able to see the screen or application that you chose to share.
- If you would like to share a different application, click “New Share.”

- Click “Stop Share” once complete.