Connecting to aQuity

aQuity is the Reporting and Analytics platform designed for retrieval of reports. 

Connecting via the Columbia College Intranet

  1. Navigate to the Intranet site and select the I need to dropdown.
  2. Choose the option Complete a Business Process.

  1. Select from the list of Common Business Process Links.
  2. Click on aQuity (IDW Reporting)

  3. You will be prompted to authenticate.  Use your network/AD login and password.
  4. Once authenticated the main page for aQuity will display.  You will see one or more folders depending on your access permissions.  Reports are stored in folders.
  5. If you get the following screen display, you have not been granted security access to any aQuity reports.

Connecting to aQuity Directly

You can also access the aQuity site directly, by entering/bookmarking the following URL:

Please note: VPN (Virtual Private Network) connection is required if you are accessing aQuity while off-campus.