1. Sign into your Columbia College issued Zoom account at https://colum.zoom.us using your Office 365 credentials.
2. Click on the option for “Recordings” in the menu to the left had side of your screen. This will appear once you are signed into your account.

3. A list of your cloud recordings will appear.

4. Click “More” next to the recording that you would like to store in OneDrive. Select “Download.”

5. The files for your cloud recording will now save to your computer. This will include the video file, audio only file, and a transcript of the session.
6. Sign into your Columbia College Chicago issued Office 365 account at https://office.com to get to OneDrive.
7. Click on the square icon in the top left corner. Select the icon for “OneDrive” to enter the application.

8. To upload your Cloud Recording File(s) to OneDrive, click “Upload” from the toolbar menu that appears in OneDrive and then select “files.” You will then be able to select your Cloud Recording files from your computer that you previously downloaded from Zoom. They will likely be in your downloads folder or on your desktop, depending on where you save downloaded files.

9. Your recording file(s) will then upload to OneDrive. The progress of the upload will display. This will vary based on connection speed and the size of the file. Once complete, it will appear in your OneDrive account for you to access in the future if needed. Repeat as necessary for any recording files you would like to save.