1. Sign into Canvas at canvas.colum.edu with your Office 365 Credentials.
2. Click on the course that you’d like to create the video quiz within.
• Your video must be within your course’s Panopto folder first.

3. Click on the “Panopto Video” link in the course menu.
4. Hover your cursor over the video that you would like to add a video quiz to.
5. Select the dotted icon and click on the “Edit” option.

6. Within the Panopto editor, click on the Quizzes option in the menu all the way to the left.
7. Click “Add a Quiz” to create a new video quiz for your Panopto video.
8. Your quiz will be entered at the specific time of the video that you are viewing when you click the “Add a Quiz” option.

9. You may also choose to select the specific point in time of the video in its timeline where you would like to add your quiz. Click on the point in the timeline that you want to quiz to appear and select “Add a Quiz.” 2

10. You can now add your questions. Choose the question type that you would like to add. True/False, Multiple Choice, Multiple Select, and Fill in the Blank are available options.
11. Type in question, as well as the possible answers. You may also enter an optional explanation for the correct answer, which can be displayed to your students.
12. You may click “Add a Question” to create additional questions for your quiz. Click “Done” once you are finished adding your question(s).

13. Set additional quiz settings which include: • Confirm the time the quiz appears in the video. • Allow participants to retake the quiz. • Show the student their score after they take the video quiz. • Allow students to review the correct answer and answer explanation. • Prevent students from advancing in the video until they complete the quiz.
14. Click “Finish” once complete. Your quiz has now been created.

15. Click “Apply” in the top right to save your quiz entry. We can now attach the video quiz to a Canvas assignment.

16. To connect your video quiz to a Canvas assignment, create a new assignment. • You may enter any point value that you would like. The point value that you enter will be evenly distributed across the video quiz questions.
17. Set the submission type to “External Tool.” Click “Find” once you have done so.

18. Choose “Panopto” from the list that appears.

19. Videos within your course’s Panopto folder will appear. Select the video that you have added your quiz questions to and click “Insert.”

20. Click “Select” to confirm your video and external tool selection.

21. Double check all other assignment settings, including due date, point value, and grade display method. Click “Save.” Publish when you are ready for students to see the assignment.

22. You Panopto quiz is now attached to the Canvas assignment. When students click on the assignment, they can play the video. When they reach the point in the video where the quiz appears, the video will pause and the questions will show.

23. Once they answer their questions, they will see their feedback, score, and an option to retake the quiz, if allowed in the Panopto settings. (See step 13.)
24. Once they continue, the video play will resume. Their quiz score will automatically sync back to the Canvas grade book in the assignment’s respective column. It may take several hours for the score to appear.