How to Access Panopto

Panopto can be accessed in two ways. You can access Panopto by signing directly into the Panopto Portal. Canvas and Panopto are also fully integrated, which means Panopto can be accessed directly from within a Canvas course, where you can record and upload videos directly to a course’s Panopto folder.

Accessing Panopto Through Canvas

1. Sign into Canvas at with your Office 365 credentials.

  • This is the same information used to access Canvas and email.

2. Click on a Canvas course in your dashboard.

3. Click on Panopto Video within your course’s menu.

4. You will be brought to your Panopto account through Canvas. A folder specific to your course will appear, where you may record or upload videos for your students to access. Recorded Zoom meetings scheduled directly within the course’s Zoom tool will also automatically migrate to your course’s Panopto folder.

Signing Into the Columbia College Chicago Panopto Portal

1. To sign into the Columbia College Chicago Panopto Portal, go to

2. Select “Colum AD” from the drop-down menu and click “sign in.”

3. Enter the username that you use to log into your Office 365 account and click “Next.”

4. You will be brought to the Columbia College login screen. Sign in with your Office 365 credentials. This is the same information used to access Canvas and email.

You will then be brought to the Panopto portal.



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