Trim a Video
1. To begin editing, select the Cut tool.

2. To edit out the start or end of the video, hover over the beginning or end of timeline. A dark gray edit handle will appear. Click and drag the edit handle to trim the video.

3. To cut a section from the middle of the video, position the cursor over the point you would like to start the edit, click and drag to the right and then let go at the point you want the cut to finish. This will remove the area highlighted from the video, and add a new handle at each edit point to allow you to finely trim your cut.

4.The red squares highlight the areas that will not be shown to viewers. Editing in Panopto is non-destructive, so you can add this content back in later if you need to (Fig. 4). Select Apply when you are done making your changes.

Trim an Individual Stream
1. Hover over, click, and drag the grey line to trim secondary sources you do not want to include in that portion of your video.
2. As is the case with trimming all streams within the video (step 1, above), cut sections will always appear in the editor but not playback in the Panopto viewer once you publish your changes. Again, select Apply when you are done making your changes.

Making More Accurate Cuts
1. You can use the magnifying glass on the right to zoom in on the timeline so you can see the audio or video file in more detail to make more accurate cuts.

2. The cuts tab is also in the editor on the left. This area shows every cut that has been made and puts it into a list.

3. You can edit the cuts here as well as on the timeline. If you click on the three dots next to a cut, you can adjust the start and end time based on minutes and seconds if you need to make a very fine edit.
4. Click Apply when you are done making your changes so that they are saved.