Checking Attendance Records in Qwickly

1. Sign into Canvas at with your Office 365 credentials. Select the course that you are using Qwickly within.

2. Click on “Qwickly Attendance” in your course navigation menu.

3. Qwickly will launch in a new browser window.

4. Click on the “Attendance Record” option in the top left portion of your screen.

5. Your attendance records for this particular course will appear. Here you can view attendance records by session. The columns to the right will show a count of a student’s absences, as well as their current attendance score if you have chosen to grade attendance. This is called the “Records” view.

6. Up to eight attendance sessions will appear at once. Use the arrows in the top right to scroll through additional attendance sessions.

7. Click on the “Totals” icon in the top toolbar to switch to the “Totals” view. This will display counts of each attendance status for your students. Click on the “Records” button to switch back to the default view, which shows attendance records by session.

8. You may export your attendance records and totals to an Excel spreadsheet. Click on the “export” button. Once you select export, you will receive the option to include additional information in your report. Click “Download” to save a copy of the report to your computer.


Note: The exported report will show different information depending on if you are in the “Totals” or “Records” view. If you select “Export” from the “Records” view, the report will include the student’s attendance markings for each session, along with their total absences and attendance score. If you select “Export” from the “Totals” view, the report will show the student’s totals for each attendance status, along with their total absences and attendance score.



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