Setting Up Qwickly Attendance

1. Sign into Canvas at with your Office 365 credentials. Select the course that you are using Qwickly within.

2. Click on “Qwickly Attendance” in your course navigation menu.

3. Qwickly will launch in a new browser window.

4. The first time that you open Qwickly Attendance for a particular course, you will need to complete the following setup steps. An option will appear when you launch Qwickly that says, “Begin Set-Up.” Select this.

5. Attendance settings will now appear.

6. Semester - Select the corresponding term from the drop-down menu in the “Semester” section.

7. Student Grouping - Within the Student Grouping section, you can choose to have the option to filter your attendance lists in Qwickly by any course groups that you have set up within your Canvas course. Select the option for “By Course Groups” in the Student Grouping section to have this available in your attendance taking view.

8. Once enabled, you can select a group created in your Canvas course to take attendance for that specific group.

9. Default Style - Choose a default attendance style. This is the method of attendance taking that will first appear when you open Qwickly. You can change this at any time when taking attendance.

List – Display all students on a single page in a list for attendance taking.

One By One – Scroll through each student individually when taking attendance.

Accessibility Mode – Display a list of students in an accessible format compatible with keyboard navigation and screen readers.

Check In – Allow students to check in with a four-digit code for their attendance in Qwickly.

10. View Preferences - Adjust view preferences for Qwickly.

Show Absences on Take Attendance Screen – This chooses to display the count of absences that each student has next to their name on the take attendance screen that appears when you open Qwickly. This is recommended.

Round Grades to Nearest Whole Number – If you are grading your attendance, you may choose to round the score to the nearest whole number.

Show Inactive Students in Record – This option will allow you to see attendance records for students who have withdrawn from your class. This will help you easily find the “last date attended” for these students, if and when it is necessary.

Record Order – You may view your attendance records by showing the oldest records first (chronological order) or the newest records first (reverse chronological order).

11. Grade Center Integration - Set the Grade Center Integration settings. This determines whether or not attendance records from Qwickly will be graded and appear in the Canvas gradebook with your student’s attendance scores.

No Grade Center Column – If you do not want Qwickly to create an assignment in Canvas and calculate an attendance grade for your students, choose this option.

Total Points – If you do want Qwickly to create an assignment in Canvas and calculate an attendance grade for your students, choose this option.

o Once selected, you can choose a name for the attendance assignment under “Column Name.” The name will default to “Attendance” if nothing is entered.

o Enter the total point value that you want your attendance assignment to be worth.  An average score out of this total value will be calculated in your Canvas gradebook based off of your student’s attendance markings in Qwickly.

You can also choose to calculate your student’s attendance grade by deducting points per absence. You can alternatively choose to select “Points Per Absence” instead of “Total Points.” This choice deducts points for each absence. It is recommended to use only one option, between “Total Points” or “Points Per Absence” to avoid calculation errors.

12. Check In - Adjust the Check In settings for when using this attendance taking method.

Require Pin - It is recommended to require a PIN for check in. This displays a randomized 4-digit code that students must enter in Qwickly when you use the check in method for attendance taking.

Check In Timer - You can set the time limit that students have to check in for their attendance in the “Check In Timer” section. Time must be entered in increments of 1 minute.


13. Absence Email - Set your Absence Email preferences. You may choose to have Qwickly send an automated email to each student in your class that is marked absent for a particular class session. You may also customize the absence email to your liking. Leave {-date-} and {-course-} in the body of your message and Qwickly will automatically populate the date of the attendance session, as well as the name of your course in the absence email sent.

14. Attendance Statuses – By default, three attendance statuses are included in Qwickly. This is Present, Absent, and Excused. Present and Absent will respectively impact a student’s attendance grade. An attendance marking of Excused will not count against a student’s attendance grade or count as an absence.

15 . Custom Course Statuses – Qwickly will allow you to add your own custom statuses for attendance. This is useful if you would like to make distinctions in your  attendance records for when a student is late, leaves early, or is present on Zoom or Teams.

Order – Enter a number here to determine where this status will appear in the order of those available when you take attendance.

Name – Enter the name of the attendance status that you are creating. Ex: Late, Left Early, On Zoom, On Teams, etc.

Points – This determine what percentage of attendance points students will receive with this attendance status. For example, a status of “Present” is 100%, while “Absent” is 0%.

Absence – This determines how much of an absence this status is worth. For example, the “Absent” status is worth 100% of an absence.

Color – You must assign a color to your custom status before proceeding.

Add Status – Click on this to save your custom attendance status entry.

16. Click “Save Settings” to save your selections once you have finished setting up Qwickly. You can now take attendance.

17. You may adjust or change these settings at any point in time. When you click on the Qwickly Attendance link in your Canvas course menu, you can select the “Settings” option at the top of your screen. This will allow you to return to the setup page where you can make any changes that you would like to.


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