Zoom has numerous accessibility settings available that can be adjusted inside of the Zoom application settings. These settings work to make Zoom meetings more accessible to all. This includes options to adjust the size of closed captions and chat messages, the prevention of flashing images, and additional screen reader settings.
1. Open the Zoom application on your computer. You can find this by searching “Zoom” on your device.
2. Click on the settings gear icon in the top right of your Zoom application once it is open.

3. Select the option for “Accessibility” in the settings menu that appears. Adjust accessibility settings from within this area.

Closed Captioning: This determines the size of closed-captions when they are used in meetings. You may adjust this to your preference. A preview of the chosen caption size is displayed in this section.

Chat Display Size: Adjust the size of text that appears within the meeting chat feature.

Dim Screen Share Video: Select the check box in this section to automatically dim the video screen when flashing images or visual patterns are detected by Zoom within a screen share.

Screen Reader Alerts: Check the box next to each kind of meeting alert that a screen reader will specify for you.