1. Click on the Zoom link inside of your Canvas course.
2. Select the “Cloud Recordings” tab that appears
3. Cloud recordings that your instructor has made available will appear. Click on the recording that you want to view.
4. You will see a link to view the recording. A password will be required in order to view the recording. Copy the recording’s passcode in this view before proceeding. Click on the double square icon in order to do so.
5. Click on the play icon to open the recording in Zoom.
6. If you are not signed into your Columbia issued Zoom account, you will be prompted to do so. Click on the option that reads “sign in with SSO.”
7. Enter “colum” as the company domain and click “continue.”
8. Enter your Office 365 credentials to sign into your account. • Same information used to access Canvas, email, etc.
9. Enter the password that you previously copied in step #4.
10. You will now be able to view the Zoom’s meeting recording.