Navigate to SharePoint:
Enter your email address and click Next.

You will need to accept the DUO push to sign in.

Select the “Waffle” icon.

Select OneDrive from the Apps list.

Select My Files.

Select the files and/or folders you want to share by clicking the circle icon. You can also use the three dots next to the files or folders to share the files or folders with external users.

Select the Share icon at the top of the page.

Select “People in your organization with the link can view”.

Additional Sharing settings will appear for you to select “People you choose” to share with external users. Under More settings choose if the external user can view or edit the Files or Folders that you are sharing, and then click Apply.

Enter the email address of the external users you want to share the files or folders with, then select View or Edit, and click Send. You can add a message before clicking send.

* When you’re done collaborating, or at any time, you can stop sharing and remove access to your files. For OneDrive and SharePoint select the file then select Details > Manage access to stop sharing. For Lists, open the list and select the information icon in the top right corner, then select Manage Access.
* For added security for OneDrive and SharePoint files, you can remove editing permission and turn on Block download in Link settings.