Cross Listing Courses


Cross Listing Courses 

Cross-listing courses allows instructors to move enrollments from multiple courses and combine them into one course. This feature is helpful for instructors who teach several sections of the same course and only want to manage course data in one location. 

Cross-listing should be requested before the semester starts while courses are unpublished. If a course with student submissions and grades is cross-listed, associated assignment submissions and grades would be lost from the cross-listed section. 

To request for a course in Canvas to be cross-listed (formerly known as META Course in Moodle), please submit a request to Academic Technology with the following information:  

1) course instructor(s) 

2) course name 

3) course sections 

4) the course semester. The Academic Technology team will contact you with assistance after the 360 requests are received. 

Contact Academic Technology at with any questions about cross-listing courses.  

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