Adobe Work at Home WAH
The Columbia College has an Enterprise Term License Agreement (ETLA) agreement with Adobe that allows us to provide Work At Home (WAH) licenses for Adobe Creative Cloud to Columbia Staff and Faculty full and part time are entitled to Adobe Creative Cloud Complete with 1Tb of storage.
The WAH plan allows you to install and license Adobe software on 2 personally owned machines.These work at home licenses are intended for personally owned devices, for Columbia owned hardware we can use shared license packages. If you do want to install WAH lics on Columbia owned hardware that is fine but using the named user install will take one of your two eligible installs. Using the names user installs will allow you to manage and update your own apps
1. To logon and get apps please got to

2. Select Company or School Account

2a. You may get a DUO prompt respond in DUO
3. After you have logged in with this account select you account in the top right

4. You should then see the Adobe For Enterprise Columbia College Chicago Plan Choose View all Apps and services

5. Then Access your apps and services

6. Then select apps to install or services to user