If the machine ever had serialized packages or shared user licensing we may need to remove an old file that disables the apps panel with the message
"You don't have access to manage apps" in order to manage apps.

Adobe removed the process from their website but if you look at wayback archive you can see it. The process still works
The Apps tab is disabled in the Creative Cloud desktop app, and you get the following message in the Apps tab:
"You don't have access to manage apps."
To enable apps management on your machine, you need its administrator credentials and permission from your enterprise admin. In case you are the administrator of the machine and have taken permission from your enterprise admin (or if the machine is not a part of an enterprise environment), update the ServiceConfig.xml file.
Follow these steps to update ServiceConfig.xml file.
- Navigate to the following location:
(Windows): C:\Program Files(x86)\Common Files\Adobe\OOBE\Configs\
(macOS): /Library/Application Support/Adobe/OOBE/Configs/
- Locate the serviceconfig.xml file and copy it to your Desktop folder (or any other location on your computer). Open the copied file in Notepad (Windows) or TextEdit (macOS).
- In the serviceconfig.xml file, change the value of AppsPanel from false to true.
- Save and close serviceconfig.xml.
- Relocate the serviceconfig.xml file to the original location and overwrite the original file with this new file.
- Restart your system and launch the Creative Cloud desktop app.
Apps management is successfully enabled on your machine. You may need to restart the Adobe create cloud services before the changes are applied. The easiest way to do this is to log off and back on or restart the machine.