Search5 Results
- Services
- I am a student...
- I have a request...
Do you have a specific request for IT? Please use the "I Need Help (for Students)" form if you are having a technical issue.
- Services
- I am an employee...
- Business Applications, Data & Reporting
Productivity and specific third-party application support. Includes applications such as Webcheckout or TeamDynamix. Applications such as uAchieve are NOT supported by IT but are supported by the Office of the registrar.
- Services
- I am an employee...
- Academic Technology
- Curriculum Support
Issues specific to IAM classrooms, spaces and technologies.
- Services
- I am an employee...
- Access to the Network, Servers or Buildings
Support for the Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) and Horizonview environment.
- Services
- I am an employee...
- Academic Technology
- Curriculum Support
Website support for Faculty and Student for websites hosted on college resources.