Horizon is the college's virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI). VDI is defined as the hosting of desktop environments on a central server. It is a form of desktop virtualization, as the specific desktop images run within virtual machines (VMs) and are delivered to end clients over a network.
Installing VDI on TechBar Chromebooks
Visual guide for accessing Luminate Film & TV (formerly know as Variety Insight) on VDI.
Install Horizon View for VDI access on ChomeOS Chromebook
Instructions for saving and exporting files on VDI to your home folder, specifically for Movie Magic and Final Draft
How to download and install the Horizon View Client on a Mac or PC to access VDI
Lenovo Terminal VDI Logon for Faculty and Staff
Lenovo Terminal VDI for Students
Lists all the software available in VDI by pool. The VDI pools are available to students in various programs by department.